Electro-Stim Acupuncture is the process of attaching clips to acupuncture needles and passing a current into the body tissue. This can be used for pain, odema, flaccidity, ligament/tendon healing, general strengthening of the body, and more. In China, it is commonly used treat emotional disorders. This form of treatment has been shown to influence opiod receptors and stimulate the release of serotonin and other associated hormones to assist with the treatment of pain. Interestingly, the body has a different reaction to the stimulus whether it is in pain or in health.
· Karatzanos, E., Gerovasili, V., Zervakis, D., Tripodaki, E. S., Apostolou, K., Vasileiadis, I., … Nanas, S. (2012). Electrical muscle stimulation: an effective form of exercise and early mobilization to preserve muscle strength in critically ill patients. Critical care research and practice, 2012, 432752. doi:10.1155/2012/432752
· Hu, Y. Q., Wu, Y. F., & Hou, L. L. (2017). The Effectiveness of Electrical Acupuncture Stimulation in Reducing Levels of Self-reported Anxiety of Lung Cancer Patients during Palliative Care: A Pilot Study. Iranian journal of public health, 46(8), 1054–1061.
· Zhang, R., Lao, L., Ren, K., & Berman, B. M. (2014). Mechanisms of acupuncture-electroacupuncture on persistent pain. Anesthesiology, 120(2), 482–503. doi:10.1097/ALN.0000000000000101