Before your intial treatment it is requested that you fill out your pre-treatment health history to the best of your ability. Knowledge of current medications, history of other treatments and injuries, and general health and wellbeing will all be touched upon.
It is usually recommended that patients arrive at treatment in a well-hydrated state. A light meal is often good as Acupuncture often stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system and can sometimes result in a patient feeling tired or sleepy post treatment. I personally suggest bringing a small snack for post-treatment just in case this is what your body is craving and asking for. Everyday activities can be engaged before and after Acupuncture, but it is recommended not to try anything new or overly exerting to ensure that we can judge the effectiveness of the treatment. For example, if you go on a wak everyday after dinner, go right ahead, but maybe post Acupuncture isn't the day to try 1RM exercises at the gym.
Often needles are placed in the extremeties so patients are encouraged to wear loose-fitting and comfortable clothes that have the capacity to be rolled to expose necessary body areas. Patients will always have access to sheets to drap appropriately client privacy and comfort will always be given the highest priority.
Occasionally a patient may feel dizzy or lightheaded during or after treatment. It is important to make sure that you have some flexibility in your schedule post-treatment or a plan in case your body is giving you some resting signals.
